Byggnads and its counterpart Byggföretagen agreed the terms of a new Byggavtal (Construction Agreement) on the 5th of May 2023. The new, updated version of the agreement is in effect for 2 years, affecting the salary rise and including the comprehensive controlling function from Svensk Byggkontroll.
Salary rise for construction workers is divided for two periods.
1 Period is 1st May 2023 - 30 April 2024, implies rise of 8,48kr per hour. (4%)
Groundsalary rise of 181,50kr/hour. (31 581kr / month)
2 Period is from 1st May 2024 – 30 April 2025, implies rise of 7,06kr per hour
Groundsalary rise 188,50kr /hour (32 799kr /month)
Also Svensk Byggkontroll is an added function to oversee and control the fair competition principle and to stop the cheating of all kind.
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