An important yearly update statement from Byggnads Collective Union, signed and released 26th of November 2020 and being effective starting 1st of December 2020.
Among other news, there will be an increased access rights for Byggnads regional monitoring to minimize the violations of the Byggnads agreement terms and working environment and as well as increased responsibility for Main Contractors to make sure their under-contractors are following the proper rules.
There are updates on equality and pension regulations (conditional increase 0,3%) and of course the salary increases updates.
Salaries will increase in two periods:
First increase from 1st of December 2020 till 30 April, 2022 with 5,49kr per hour. Second increase is from 1 May 2022 till 30 April 2023 with 4,19kr per hour.
This will affect many companies in many ways, so in in order to find out more, please take a look here or contact us.